Terms of use

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Hosting information

Our web content is hosted by OVH (2 Rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France)

Our email databases are hosted by SG Autorepondeur (SARL STRATEGIE GAGNANTE - 76 ALLEE DU COLIBRI - 83390 CUERS - FRANCE).

Personal information

The information collected from individuals via our forms may be used for commercial purposes. However, as required by law no. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, we inform you that your answers are optional, and that your failure to reply will not entail any particular consequences.

The information sent is intended for KIOMDA, who will process your requests for information. You have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete any personal information concerning you. To exercise this right, please contact

KIOMDA 15 rue des frères Bonie 33000 Bordeaux

E-mail: contact@kiomda.frSiyou have subscribed to one of our e-mail communication lists, we inform you that we record statistics on the e-mails you receive, for a period of 3 years.

Copyright and reproduction rights

This entire site is governed by French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property. All reproduction rights are reserved, including iconographic and photographic representations.

Reproduction of all or part of this site on any medium whatsoever is strictly forbidden without the express authorization of the site manager.

Reproduction of texts on paper is authorized for educational purposes, subject to compliance with the following three conditions:

- free distribution ;

- respect for the integrity of the documents reproduced (no modifications or alterations) ;

- clear and legible citation of the source in the following form: "Document taken from the KIOMDA website https://www.kiomda.fr.

Reproduction rights are reserved and strictly limited.

For any other use, please consult us.

Data security

To ensure the security and confidentiality of hosted data, KIOMDA uses protected data networks, with anti-intrusion devices conforming to the highest standards. Access to nominative personal data is limited to KIOMDA employees who need to use this data and who have received the necessary training to "manage" it correctly and strictly observe confidentiality standards.

Right to object / unsubscribe

KIOMDA automatically adds an operational unsubscribe link to all outgoing e-mail messages. The recipient can then unsubscribe from a mailing list. This procedure is automatic. When our customers update their files, the unsubscribed contact is automatically excluded from future broadcasts for the list concerned.


When you visit a website, a website publisher such as KIOMDA may, subject to your choices, place a text file on your computer through your browser. This text file is a cookie. It will enable KIOMDA, for the duration of the cookie's validity or recording, to identify your computer on future visits. KIOMDA's partners or service providers, or third-party companies may also, subject to your choices, place cookies on your computer.